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End of era, again
And the year of sorrow continues..

Today is the day when all hot rolling operations were ceased for good at Hradek steelworks (Czech republic). No more orange glow at the pre-war heavy section rolling mill.

Moreover the valuable light and medium section mills from 1913 driven by an original flywheel were scrapped completely this summer.

Full set of images from 2010-2020 is on my website.

This is not only a disaster for the town, but also a great loss for european industrial heritage in general.

Hradek was one of the few mills where one still could feel the spirit of industrial revolution and the good old world. I knew every single worker there and I will miss them all.

The end of era, again. How many more mills will fade away this year?

Hradek u Rokycan, Czech Republic
Informations sur l'image
Photographe:Viktor Macha
Tous photos dés:Viktor Macha - anzeigen
Date d'ajout:31 Juil 2020
Dimensions:1024 x 835 pixels
Affichées:5111 fois
Favoris:Ajouter aux favoris


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