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Li Trimblue (ligne 466)
Bridge over the Berwine near Dalhem (B). It is a part of the former line 466. Line 466 was the first neighborhood railway line in the city of Liège (operated by NMVB), and opened in 1898. Blegny was reached in 1906. In 1908 the line was extended to 's Gravenvoeren. The passenger service was discontinued in 1945. The route was still used for freight transport, mainly due to the coal mine of 'Argenteau' in Blégny-Trembleur, which, among other things, transported standard gauge coal wagons with roller wagons on the meter gauge track. The NMVB stopped operations in October 1960, after which the mine took over transport. The transport of coal stopped in 1980 when the mining activities stopped.
From the 1970s to 1991 trains for tourists also ran on the section between Blegny and Mortoux. This ended after a serious accident with 7 persons killed and 11 persons injured.
Fotografin / Fotograf:Niko Cobben
Alle Bilder von:Niko Cobben - anzeigen
Hinzugefügt am:25.Juli 2020
Abmessungen:950 x 633 Pixel
Angezeigt:4107 mal
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