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Philips Strijp-T Building TQ
Philips industrial park Strijp-T in Eindhoven (NL). From the late 1950s, the TQ building was the home of the 'HIG PIT' (Producten voor Industriële Toepassingen=Products for Industrial Applications), which later became known as 'Industrial Electronics' (in the spirit of the Cold War, this TQ building complex was given a nuclear bomb shelter with command post). It has been a multi-company building since 2017.
Informations sur l'image
Photographe:Niko Cobben
Tous photos dés:Niko Cobben - anzeigen
Date d'ajout:21 Aout 2022
Dimensions:950 x 679 pixels
Affichées:1775 fois
Favoris:Supprimer des favoris


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