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Zuccherificio di Sermide
This big sugarmill was built 1919 along the river Po, in the western Polesine, a region economically based on sugar production since the end of 1800. This one was born as a stand-alone sugarmill (one company, one plant) and closed still in 1983.
In 1946 it produced 17.000 hundredweight/day and after the enlargement, in 1957 the production grew up to 38.000 hundredweight/day. In the very huge area they had not only the sugarmill but also a distillery and a yeast plant. Some machineries are left. Quite beautiful location.
Informations sur l'image
Photographe:Marcello Modica
Tous photos dés:Marcello Modica - anzeigen
Date d'ajout:23 Sep 2008
Dimensions:850 x 565 pixels
Affichées:6800 fois
Favoris:Supprimer des favoris


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