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Koningshavenbrug popularly called "De Hef"
Originally this bridge was part of the Breda Rotterdam railway line that crosses the Koningshaven in Rotterdam (NL). The bridge parts connected to the banks date from 1878. The middle section was originally a swing bridge. Due to the many accidents, this part was replaced in 1927 by a lift bridge (the first of its kind in Western Europe). The architect is Pieter Joosten.
From 1993 the bridge is no longer in use as a railway bridge; the lines are demolished but the bridge has been saved and is now a listed monument.
Informations sur l'image
Photographe:Niko Cobben
Tous photos dés:Niko Cobben - anzeigen
Date d'ajout: 2 Mar 2021
Dimensions:950 x 633 pixels
Affichées:3507 fois
Favoris:Ajouter aux favoris


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