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127.681 in Washington
One of two location of locomotives 27E (factory designation) is on siding surface mines in Most (Czech republic). Their service life is quickly shortering, but we can still meet this locomotives on a few operations. It´s primarily loading coal from coal mine CSA and Vršany from belt transport and successive tranport to Komorany coal treatment plant. On this photo we see locomotive 127.681 (operating designation) in station "Washington" with full load train, where this train takes over the other carrier and deliver to Pilsen.
Informations sur l'image
Photographe:Adam Svajcr
Tous photos dés:Adam Svajcr - anzeigen
Date d'ajout:10 Mai 2022
Dimensions:1000 x 685 pixels
Affichées:2825 fois
Favoris:Ajouter aux favoris


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